What is Yuinou
Two families are united by the alliance of their children, who in turn are starting their own family. The Yuinou, the traditional Japanese engagement ceremony, is an occasion that symbolizes all good wishes. The word can be interpreted literally as yui (ties) and nou (gifts), but its meaning can extend to "connecting heart to heart, family to family."
The customs of the Yuinou ceremony vary from region to region in Japan. In Yuinou there are exchanges of gifts between families and between the bride and groom themselves. These gifts carry the vows of covenant and affection. On this occasion it is customary for the gifts to involve various Mizuhiki specially used for these celebration.
Line up
There are several forms of Yuinou gifts, including sets of five or seven items as well as Kanto or Kansai style. We recommend our customers prepare what they want and need, the most important thing being what suits the couple and their families the best. Please feel free to inquire if you have any questions.
Engagement ceremony
The Yuinou is an important ceremony for the couple, during which they make a marriage vow in a room decorated with Yuinou gifts placed in an alcove, so the date is carefully picked to fall on a lucky date after the initial introductory meeting. Through this ceremony, the couple as well as their parents and families build a sense of responsibility to one another and express their sincerity.
The Yuinou ceremony has been a tradition for about 1,300 years, and actually has a longer history than the wedding ceremony itself.
Proposal of new Yuinou
The Yuinou is an important ceremony for uniting two families. In recent years, though, more and more couples choose to hold elaborate wedding ceremonies instead of having both a formal introductory meeting and Yuinou followed by a wedding. And yet, the Yuinou remains one of the most precious ways of building new bonds. We recommend holding a Yuinou as a wonderful way of spending a few relaxing hours with family.