What is Mizuhiki
Mizuhiki is the art of making special knots using cords made of Washi (japanese paper). Mizuhiki are not mere decorative tie, but a sort of knot that connects, an amulet, an inviolate seal and, above all, a way of uniting people and expressing true feelings towards one other. Due to its profound symbolic meaning, Mizuhiki involves gifts given on very special occasions.
Mizuhiki carry centuries of technique, art and dedication from the craftsmen involved in their making. Giving with Mizuhiki not only expresses beauty and good intentions, but also celebrates and values traditional Japanese art.
The Meaning of musubi
The word "musubu" (literally, "to tie") has several interpretations in Japanese culture: tying, joining, joining, making an alliance, a relationship, getting married. But the core concept is the meaning of bringing people closer. Because of this meaning of uniting and deepening ties, it is closely tied to the culture of Mizuhiki, which binds us according to our feelings and intentions, bringing people closer during life's most important moments.
How to tie & color
This knot is loosely wound into loops. This type of knot is used to symbolize "growing together"; for example, in a business partnership or an engagement.
This knot is tied tightly and it not meant to be untied. You would use this for a wedding or for a funeral since these are once-in-a-lifetime events.
This is a butterfly knot which can easily be tied and untied. This type of knot is used for celebrations which can occur again and again such as birthdays or job promotions.
This has a loop only on one side. Similar to the Choumusubi, it can be untied easily by pulling on the end. This type of knot is used for casual presents.
水引の色Color of Mizuhiki
The colors of the Mizuhiki are based on Chinese Yin and Yang philosophy. The five colors traditionally representing wood, fire, earth, metal and water are also the main colors used in Mizuhiki.
Mizuhiki incorporating pearl, gold leaf, silver leaf, and platinum leaf are also popular these days.
Bluerepresents courtesy and propriety. This color stands for the east as direction and spring as season. Green can be used as the alternative.
Redrepresents consideration, love and a protective talisman. This color stands for the south as direction and summer as season.
Yellowrepresents justice, a debt of gratitude and the sun. Gold is the highest rank of the color yellow. It stands for the middle as direction and midsummer as season.
Whiterepresents holiness and longevity. Silver is the highest rank of the color white. It stands for the west as direction and fall as season.
Blackrepresents reliance, trust and is also a protective talisman. It stands for the north as direction and winter as season.
Milestone & Mizuhiki
The phrase "Kan-Kon-Sou-Sai" ecpresses a celebration of the experience of being alive, a concept that encompasses the most important moments in life: birth, marriage, festivals and funerals. These milestones are universal themes of humanity, establishing roots over the centuries as part of cultures and religions. Giving Mizuhiki is another way to celebrate these important milestones in life.
Kan is expressed in gold color. It is used mainly for the coming of age ceremony and gaining a promotion or a right. Red and white Mizuhiki are also used since these are auspicious occasions.
Kon is expressed in silver color. For wedding-related Mizuhiki, Musubigiri and Awajimusubi are used. Recommended color combinations include gold and silver or red and white.
Sou is used for a funeral address. Fushugibukuro (outer envelopes for somber occasions) are made with a combination of black and white or silver on silver, however a combination of yellow and white may be used, especially for Gobutsuzen (used after the forty-ninth day after the death).
Sai represents festivals (such as Shishimai and Hikiyama) which are welcome at any time, so red and white Choumusubi Mizuhiki is used. It is recommended to check before choosing, since some areas may have their own special rules.
Good to remember:
Surprisingly few people know how to fold the back side of the outer envelope. For a celebratory occasion, fold the top part down first, then fold the bottom part up. For somber occasions, the order is reversed,with the bottom part folded up first and then the top folded down to express sadness and the shedding of tears.